Saturday, May 29, 2010 ♡ Malay O level 2mrw!!!
Yes!!! The time has come for me to shine and clinch that very first A1 !!!

I'll be laying out my reflections for now on my blog.

Let's begin with paper 1 which I am strong in.
Surat Rasmi : 18 / 20
Karangan panjang : 42 / 50
Total : 60 marks / 70 marks

Paper 2 where I am equally strong at.
Imbuhan: 10
Bina Ayat:8
procedur cloze:6
Kefahaman Obj. : 10
Kefahaman Subj : 26

I WILL achieve these marks and all that I need to do is FOCUS!!!

Sunday, May 23, 2010 ♡ 7 more days to my first O level A1!!!!!!
Yup,anticipation is certainly growing in me. Who wouldn't? Malay O level papers are coming soon. With the guidance of God, I am absolutely confident of that A1. I have to give it my best.

I came back to blogging this afternoon as I wanted do some reflection on my Prelim. Not all that good. It is expected as I know that I hadn't put in my best effort.

Eng- C6 ?
MT - A1
C.H - B3
E.M - A2
A.M - A1
Bio- A2
Chem- B3
Phy - B3

L1R5 - 15 points. ( WTH !!!!!)

For English, without a doubt I am improving my comprehension skills. But, I need to further push myself.

MT, I must not be complacent.

C.H - Disappointing. I have to hit an A1.

Chem and Phy - Well, lets just say i didnt study AT ALL.

Maths - MORE PRACTICE!!!!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010 ♡ After a long time and im still in business.
Its been a long time since i posted but never will I stop. Ask any Sec 4 student and all they can surely think of right now is the fast approaching 'O' levels. Well, it may seem a long way to go and I myself have been deluded by the fact that I will surely have time to revise. However, NO! This lesson will always be in my mind after the not so Disastrous prelim 1 results. Time should not be taken for granted because time wasted will never be given to you ever again.

I haven't received all my papers back. I do have some though. Just passed EL paper 2. Elementary maths is SO DISAPPOINTING cos my marks are not up to standard. I guess the only reason to rejoice would be a so-so resounding success in my mother tongue. I got an A1 but my listening comprehension was not up to mark in my opinion. I have to score full marks for Listening Comprehension. Not forgetting, Chemistry. A BLOODY FAILURE. Didn't get what I expected. I didn't study anyway.

Thursday, April 22, 2010 ♡ Thursday-oh-typical-thursday.
Few but significant events have happened this couple of days. Let's begin with some test results I have claimed back. Not that good as I could do better. Add. Maths I barely hit an A2 while Chem I obtained 19/25. MT oral was okay although I stumbled on a few words here and there. I did give my best though. Next, the PHYSICS SPA! I'm glad I managed to do everything and for the first time I actually felt satisfied after Physics SPA. Thanks Mr Yap for your guidance.

Prelims is nearing and the tension is mounting. However I always have this phrase imprinted in my mind-filled-with-history-and-SS-stuff. It is,"Winners control their emotions." Also, Choices have consequences. And I shall always give my 100%.

8A1's is mine!!!!!!

Monday, April 19, 2010 ♡ Dots
Time: 5.37 accompanied by the tremendous pouring of rain.

Feeling : Still in Malay oral mood.

Today began with me waking up later than usual and thus having a large family, the toilet was used and I had to wait for my turn to bathe. Reached school and went through the same routines. Moving on, it was a maths test. Binomial theorem was a little rocky along with determining the area using the shoelace method. Fatigue started to kick in and I was lazy to do the last question properly. Fast foward, and I had malay oral. Not bad though not as successful as English oral. I gonna leave it to the hands of God and hope for the best. I'm almost done with humanities revision and I want to quickly complete my 3 sciences.

Studying is prohibited 3 Days before Prelim !

Thursday, April 15, 2010 ♡ Back to blogging?
Decided that i should go back to blogging due to the fact I'm bored at home.
More updates next time. If I have the time. :)



♥ 6 points for 'O's
♥ NJC or RJC.
♥Meet Her at JC

♥ Join basketball in JC.
♥To be a humble servant to God.
♥ Go to MECCA and Abu Dhabi
♥ Occupational and family medicine!!!.

syafiq WRSSB MYLOVELYSECTION DEnnis Senior Adriana Sir KAi bin Lester Gina David kok seng Kelly Catherine Fina Syaza Sharifah
Design: ♥sweet.suicidal/:D pwnpwns!